Music notation showing Dorian super chord in stacked 4ths

Dorian Super-Chord in Stacked 4ths

A useful way to think about Dorian harmony is to expand the Dorian Scale into a seven-note “super-chord” in stacked fourths…


This is yet another example of how scales and chords are complementary views of the same musical stuff… and of how knowing your scales helps you know your chords and vice versa!

Improvisation Hint: With the root C in the bass, you can play any of the notes above in any combination (single notes and chords) to playfully express yourself in a Dorian Tonality in a wide variety of ways. For example…

Study-Practice: Using your knowledge of scales and chord structure (and your ears of course), play the above in the keys you want to play in. In doing so, you will build an immense chord vocabulary using your ears, intellect, eyes, and muscles!

learn more… Dorian Tonality: Dorian Triads

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