natural sponges in a basket

Soak Time

Your brain is like a sponge in at least two important ways…

  1. It will absorb what you immerse it in.
  2. It can only absorb so much so fast.

Implications for Students and Teachers

  • Immerse your brain only in true and constructive things.
  • You must pay attention to something long enough for it to soak in.
  • If you want to learn X, you need to slow down and focus your attention on X and maintain your focus on X until you feel something “click” or “seep in”.
  • If you’re a teacher, give your students a few extra seconds to think about the answers to your questions. You’ll both be glad you did.
  • Once you feel “full” or tired, your brain is saturated. Studying beyond that point will not produce much fruit. In fact, sometimes it can interfere with and displace what you have just learned.

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