4/4 Time: How to Count

How to read, think, and feel 4/4 time by counting out loud with a metronome in 1/4, 1/8th, triplet 1/8th, and 1/16th notes…

Three big practice goals: To synchronize your counting with the metronome, to develop the sense that “1” feels like home, and to develop a feeling for beats smaller than quarter notes.

How to Count 4/4 Meter in 1/4 Notes

music score showing how to count quarter notes in 4/4 time

Listen to Frank model how to count this with a metronome @ 100 beats per minute…

Aim to count 4 bars at a time in one continuous breath without accenting any notes.

How to Count 4/4 Meter in 1/8th Notes

music score showing how to count eighth notes in 4/4 time

Listen to Frank model how to count this with a metronome @ 88 beats per minute…

It’s not enough to passively listen to these. In order to deeply internalize the rhythms, you must actively count out loud with a metronome.

How to Count 4/4 Meter in 1/8th Note Triplets

music score showing how to count triplet eighth notes in 4/4 time

Listen to Frank model how to count this with a metronome @ 60 beats per minute…

Record yourself, listen to the playback immediately, and be absolutely honest about what you hear and feel.

How to Count 4/4 Meter in 1/16th Notes

music score showing how to count sixteenth notes in 4/4 time

Listen to Frank model how to count this with a metronome @ 60 beats per minute…

Practice Idea: Doing this while taking a walk–synchronizing your stride and counting aloud with the metronome (using a smartphone app).

learn more… 6/8 Time (coming soon)

4 responses to “4/4 Time: How to Count”

  1. Pffffft… hard work, this lot, but a good exercise for the aging brain.

    1. Good exercise for brains of ALL ages! : )

  2. Better, this morning! Thank you.

    1. YES!!! And it will get better and easier every new day!

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