
Why Study Scales?

The study of Scales, done right, is essential to understanding how an enormous amount of music works…

The time and energy spent studying and practicing Scales the right way–using all four musical intelligences: ears, intellect, eyes, and muscles–…

  1. Prepares you to recognize scales when you hear them.
  2. Prepares you to recognize scales when you see them in written music.
  3. Elevates your music reading from “painting-by-number” to deep understanding.
  4. Enables you to internalize music based on meaningful patterns, not brute force note by note memorization.
  5. Deepens your visio-spatial awareness of the keyboard.
  6. Develops your piano technique.
  7. Expands your ability to play by ear.
  8. Broadens your vocabulary for improvisation.
  9. Enables you to transpose like a pro.

learn more… What is a Scale?

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