music notation showing c major 7 chord voicing

Major 7 Chord Voicing: Definitive Tones over Perfect 5th

For a full, simple, and open sound, play the Major 7 Chord as a 1 and 5 in the left hand and the definitive tones 3 and 7 in the right…

Major 7 Chord “Definitive Tones Over Perfect 5th” Voicing

Notice that both hands play perfect 5ths…



Using your ears and knowledge of scales and chord structure, play this voicing chromatically ascending…

[insert score and mp3s a la C6/9 chord]

    Doing so will develop an enormous chord vocabulary that you will know by ear, intellect, eye, and muscle… laying a rock solid foundation for fluent improvisation.

    learn more…
    Jazz School: Chord Voicings: Major 6,9

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