F Major Scale: Letter Names & Solfege (Quiz)

Multiple-choice quiz that tests & quickly teaches the Letter Names & Solfege Syllables for the F Major Scale

Given a Letter Name, identify the Solfege Syllable.
Given a Solfege syllable, identify the Letter Name.
(14 Questions)

In the key of F Major, A = ?

In the key of F Major, G = ?

In the key of F Major, Fa = ?

In the key of F Major, Re = ?

In the key of F Major, E = ?

In the key of F Major, La = ?

In the key of F Major, So = ?

In the key of F Major, Mi = ?

In the key of F Major, Bb =?

In the key of F Major, Ti = ?

In the key of F Major, C =?

In the key of F Major, Do = ?

In the key of F Major, F = ?

In the key of F Major, D =?

learn more… Scales

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