music notation for a c major triad and d minor neighbor chord

Major Triad Neighbor Chord Pattern #2

Neighbor Chords are a great way to expand and embellish a single chord that is played for an extended length of time…

A commonly-used gospel device is to embellish each of the big three chords (I, IV, and V) with “the ii” of the prevailing chord as follows…


Study-Practice Notes:

  • Don’t forget to swing the eighth notes!
  • Notice that the notes on the weak and back beats in the left hand are “ghosted”, more felt than heard.
  • Use your knowledge of chord theory to work this pattern our for all major triads.
  • This device almost always works for the big three chords in a major key (I, IV, and V) and sometimes as an embellishment of Secondary Dominants as well.

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Major Triad Neighbor Chord Melody

2 responses to “Major Triad Neighbor Chord Pattern #2”

  1. What is the recommended fingering on the last bar of the G Major?

    1. Thanks for asking, Von. I play the G chord as 1 2 3 5 in ascending order.

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