Composition Lesson: Scale Tone Melody

Idea: Play four 2-bar phrases based on a flowing line of scale tones…

Although we’re calling this a scale tone melody, it’s a lot more than just playing scales willy-nilly. At least four structural elements–elements you will see time and again in all kinds of music–give this scale-wise melody a sense of unity and musicality.

Notice that:

  1. Each 2-bar phrase uses the exact same rhythm motive.
  2. At least half of the scale tones are also chord tones.
  3. Important chord tones fall on the first (strongest) beat in each measure.
  4. Each line of 1/8th notes crosses over the bar line and ends on the most definitive tone (the 3) of the next chord and on the strongest beat to boot.

learn more… Composition Lesson: Suspension

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