Chart showing major blues 12 bar form and harmony

Major 12-Bar Jazz Blues: Form & Harmony

Let’s begin our exploration of Jazz Blues with a review of the Major 12-bar Blues in its most basic form…

Major Blues Form & Harmony

Within each 12-bar chorus, there are three distinct 4-bar phrases…

music notation showing major 12-bar blues form and harmony

The deep appreciation of this three-phase structure is absolutely essential for playing 12-bar blues in authentic style.

Phrase #1

The first phrase presents the main rhythmic/melodic theme and establishes a clear sense of tonic harmony (I)…

Typical Phrase 1

Phrase #2

The second phrase is typically a variation of or complement to the main theme. It is played over a temporary IV harmony, with a return back to the tonic I…

Typical Phrase 2

Phrase #3

The third phrase typically complements or answers the first two phrases and leads the listener back to the top of the next chorus. It is played over a temporary V harmony with a return to the tonic I…

Typical Phrase 3

Now let’s combine all three phrases into a 12-bar chorus…

Entire 12-bar Chorus

Chart showing major blues 12 bar form and harmony

Think of these three phrases as interrelated musical sentences that tell a story. In order to sound/feel “right”, each chorus should be rhythmically and melodically coherent, say something that moves the listener, and lead back to the top of the next chorus or to a logical ending. With some rhythmic comping patterns and tasty licks in your bag and a commitment to this basic formula, your blues playing is guaranteed to blossom!

learn more… Major Blues 12-Bar Jazz Blues: Comping Pattern #1

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