Major 12-Bar Blues Harmony: Variation #6

This commonly used 12-bar Blues variation inserts a secondary dominant A7 (V7/ii) in bar 8 to feed the Dm7 (ii7) in bar 9…

Such secondary dominants are a great way to add harmonic interest and to create a more sophisticated, jazzier sound…

Major 12-Bar Blues Harmony Variation #6 in the Key of C

music score for major 12-bar blues harmony variation

Frank Playing a Real-Life Example

Medium swing rhythm with walking bass…

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Major 12-Bar Blues Harmony, Variation #7

2 responses to “Major 12-Bar Blues Harmony: Variation #6”

  1. Frank, I’d highly appreciate if you could play a real-life example of it!

    1. Thanks a bunch for your request, MJ. You’re the very first to do so! It is done.

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