music notation for a gospel piano 1-1/3-4 chord progression

The I-I/3-IV Progression

A definitive Gospel device is to connect the I chord to the IV chord by inserting the first inversion of the I chord in between…

Doing so creates both melodic interest in the bass and an irresistible sense of forward harmonic motion…

Notice the strength of the melodic motion in the bass, creating a powerful sense of direction and anticipation… it is appropriate to conceive and perceive the E as the leading tone into the F chord.


learn more…
Gospel School: Gospel Intro #1

2 responses to “The I-I/3-IV Progression”

  1. Would you explain the use of the % sign notation? Thanks

    1. Thanks for asking, Von. Think of the % sign like a musical ditto for the chord(s) in the previous measure.

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